
Tuesday, April 04, 2017


I've had this blog since about 2003 and have never dedicated any time to blogging whatsoever. Every time I've made a post I've deleted it shortly after. Figured I'd start with a little introduction. First of all, this blog has NO theme; it's basically a journal I may use to post some essays. My name is Mariah. Riah is a nickname my father gave me as a baby and some of my friends still call me today. I stole this blog title from the band Rye Coalition because I found it funny at the time. Some people call me Rye, but I wouldn't steal their name completely.

I'm currently 33 years old and employed as a pharmacy technician. I have no passion for my job and wish I'd stayed in college and made something of my life. If I ever get the funding and opportunity to go back I'd like to become an Occupational Therapy Assistant; something I actually am passionate about.

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1995 at age 11. Since then I have struggled with a myriad of other health conditions and complications. I currently use an insulin pump as my man diabetes therapy and take many other oral medications for other issues. My job has decent (but expensive) health insurance available that has finally gotten me to this point in my long term health plan and for that I am grateful.

I'm a registered Democrat so I can vote in primaries, but where I live rarely has a Democratic primary that necessitates a vote so I may be changing that affiliation soon. Think of the most liberal person you know, I'm probably to the left of that person. This may seem odd since I live in a rural area of south central Kentucky, but it's how I was raised and I haven't felt the need to rebel against it. If anything I've taken it to an extreme. People don't usually agree with my thoughts on politics and social matters, but I usually don't share them in detail.

I don't subscribe to a religion. I've studied many and been to many churches, nothing stuck. I think Buddhism is a worthy lifestyle I can relate to, but not as religion. If some messiah comes one day I won't be afraid to say I was wrong, for once, but until then I just try to be my idea of a decent person. I think Jesus, Muhammad, and Buddha are worthy role models even if they were to be fictional characters. I think there are just as worthy role models living among us right now. Just look for them and if you don't find them, become one yourself. Pretty sure I'm paraphrasing many others there, consider this a statement of credit.

My partner Cody, my mother, and sister are the most important people in my life along with many more friends than I figured I would have at this stage in life. I consider myself a feminist and I don't think desiring a relationship is contradictory to that at all. Finding a partner that supports my ideas and loves me unconditionally has made me realize this.

I want to be a more positive person and I used to shy away from labels, but these are the things I am at my core.


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